Now that Christopher Hitchens is gone, the xtian crazies are coming out of the woodwork. Bryon Fisher of Focus on the Family stated that "God sent Christopher Hitchens to hell" (because he loves him, dontcha know). Apparently he has a hot line to god.
I realize of course that Hitch could be very acerbic; once, on "Countdown" with Bill Maher, the audience tittered at one of his statements and shot them the bird.
I didn't always agree with the man. I found his support of Bush II and the Iraq war to be very misguided. But there is no doubt he was a true intellectual giant: I certainly wouldn't want to debate him. Nonetheless, I found his atheism quite inspirational and his logic on this topic unassailable. It was quite a kick to watch him shred the xtians who dared to argue with him, and I will miss that. He generally knew more about the bible than his opponents.
But these so-called "Christians" are quite vile in their condemnation of the man. And to wait until he's gone, as Fisher did, to critizice him is cowardice of the highest (or rather, lowest) order. Take, for instance, the asshat Albert Mohler, ninth president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, and board member of Focus on the Family: "The point about Christopher Hitchens is not that he died of unbelief, but that his unbelief is all that matters now. Unspeakably sad." How can one die of "unbelief?" Is that in the DSM-IV?
And if anyone wants to post on this thread saying, 'Oh, but these people aren't true Christians and they've misunderstood what Christianity's all about' - please don't bother. It's them you need to tell, not me.